See Potential, Shape Resilience.

At Climate NXT, our AI & ML innovations illuminate the path to resilient land redevelopment.

At Climate NXT, we're shaping a resilient future with a smart financial focus. As we tackle urban and climate hazard challenges, we see opportunities rooted in data. Our goal is to create practical tools that support fairness and well-being, ensuring communities not only survive but thrive.

What We Do?


  • Developing transformative policies and infrastructure that prioritize community resilience against climate challenges.

  • Comprehensive approaches to managing and reducing the effects of climate change, including creating climate action plan and heat action plan.

  • Converting brownfields into resilient community hubs with a focused "Brownfield Strategic Redevelopment Plan" and “Resilience Reuse Plan” to transform challenges into solutions.

Community Engagement

  • Offering community-driven sessions on extreme heat, its implications, and mitigation strategies to bolster community resilience against climate change.

  • Building ties with local agencies, NGOs, and institutions to align resilience goals.

  • Developing a "Resilience Neighborhood Plan" that brings communities together to face climate challenges and empowers them to take proactive measures.

Data & Research

  • AI and Machine Learning powered cloud-based software development for predicting climate hazards, measuring resilience, tracking carbon emissions, and forecasting future scenarios.

  • Creating user-friendly tools for communities and local governments to assess, improve, and drive their climate resilience initiatives.

  • Delving deep into the social implications of climate resilience and strategizing for equitable mitigation, management, and adaptation to climate hazards.

Why Climate NXT?

  • Our diverse expertise bridges various fields, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of climate challenges and holistic solutions that appeal to a broader market.

  • Utilizing AI and machine learning, we're positioned at the vanguard of the climate tech sector, ensuring scalability and a competitive edge.

  • Our ability for turning intricate data into actionable insights promises diversified revenue streams, fueling both societal and economic growth.

  • Every city, every community has its nuances. We listen, adapt, and ensure our resilience-focused solutions resonate with the unique needs of each urban space.

  • Our approach goes beyond immediate solutions. With strategic foresight, we're ensuring cities are prepared for the long haul, turning potential vulnerabilities into strengths.

  • We're skilled at taking complex data and turning it into practical solutions. This talent not only boosts your financial performance but also benefits communities, ensuring a win-win for all involved.